With MTM, the idea is to find out what the patient's goals are and to look for ways to address those needs or problems; this is achieved during regular appointments by asking the patient two basic questions:
MTM is a valuable service for most (if not all) of the pharmacy clinic patients, if willing to actively participate:
For both you and the WWFRx pharmacists, an essential first step is establishing a patient-pharmacist relationship that supports engagement and effective communication with you (and any of your caregivers & providers)
"Everybody is a winner. The greatest savings for the pharmacy, for the patients, and for the overall health care system will be achieved from adherence to drug therapy resulting in improved disease management, reduced hospitalizations and fewer physician visits."
"A team-based MTM program piloted in Minnesota (2012) utilized Pharmacists as part of the healthcare team in order to improve clinical outcomes across a study population of Diabetes patients. The study found that the MTM program improved treatment goals for diabetic patients by 22% versus sites that did not use team-based care."